Monday, December 7, 2009

Teen Reporter Spotlight

Latinitas is currently accepting applications for Teen Latinitas Council. The council is made up of teens who serve as the editorial advisory board members and teen reporters for the - the first digital magazine by and for Latina teens. We offer opportunities for teens to get published in our award-winning online magazine and gain valuable writing and multimedia journalism experience. We offer internships where high school females assist with writing and editing projects. Our teen interns commit to an entire semester volunteering 5 hours per week with hands-on guidance. Our teen reporters commit to writing a magazine feature story every semester and attending monthly workshops for an entire year.

Find out what teens are saying about Latinitas:

Being part of the Teen Advisory Board gives me a chance to write what I want to write. I also love reading (and writing) Latinitas’ Heart to Heart stories -- I love reading about people’s personal experiences and life.”
Geneva Diaz, Teen Reporter

“I always wanted to be part of a magazine staff. I want to create my own magazine one day and being part of Latinitas makes my dream come true one step at a time.”

Anna Ruiz, Teen Reporter

“I am truly honored to be mentioned in the superstar spotlight. This magazine has given me so much that I feel that the magazine itself should be the superstar. I recently wrote a journal entry for one of my classes and wrote pages about my experience with Latinitas and meeting Luis Valdez. I still have our interview together recorded! I will never forget about Latinitas and can’t wait to see the future of it.”

Aryani Montes, Teen Reporter

"The magazine really puts you right into the middle of the media. I've learned so much about stuff like interviewing and research, and even stuff I normally wouldn't go after, like radio journalism and photography. It's made me feel like a real journalist. And the perks never hurt!...It's given me the confidence to e-mail random people and ask them for help in my writing. I can really say I'm a writer now, and I feel like I'm a part of something, and like I'm a part of the media"
Eliana Grijalva, Teen Reporter

"Latinitas introduced me to feature writing, as well as deadlines...This will help me in college because I won't be fresh-faced, like some other students...It is important for young women to be involved in their community because they are the future of their community. Latinitas has allowed me to get a deeper look at my gente, as well as the customs that I am surrounded by...I would definitely recommend other girls to get involved in Latinitas because it teaches skills that can be used throughout life...Latinitas has allowed me to be more optimistic, as well as enable me to see myself and my goals and say 'I can do it."
Sara Elizabeth Sanchez, Teen Editorial Intern

"I think this will help me to learn my abilities and strengths. It is helping me by getting me to write more and think creatively in a way that connects to my culture. Because if we don't, who else will? And by doing so, we make the Latina population stronger."
Cassie Barraza, Teen Editorial Intern

"I've always been interested in journalism and really having a voice through writing. When I heard about this opportunity, I was thrilled and excited because I enjoy the subjects of reading and writing... When I first heard about Latinitas, it greatly motivated me because it shared the same interests that I've liked to pursue, but you sometimes don't have that opportunity. When I heard more about the description with young girls and expressing their own backgrounds was something I'd like to do too. Latinitas will help me gain the experience of journalism and the structure of it. My goal is to be committed to something that I am passionate about. I think just having the experience of being in the program is an honor.
Elizabeth Gonzalez, Teen Reporter

Friday, December 4, 2009

Teen Latinitas Writing Workshop - December 12

Teen Latinitas Writing Workshop
December 12th & January 9th
1:30pm to 3:30pm
Judge Marquez Public Library
610 N. Yarbrough
Teens Grades 8-12
Teen girls are invited to learn how to express themselves creatively through writing. is the first digital magazine by and for Latina youth. Join us for a writing workshop and to learn more about how you can get published in this national award-winning online magazine. Girls in grades 8-12th are invited to get writing tips from professional journalists. The Teen Latinitas reporter workshops are held the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Judge Marquez Public Library (610 N. Yarbrough) from 1:30 to 3:30pm. For more information, email, call 219.8554 or visit

Regional Youth Summit - December 5

Latinitas in the Community: Regional Youth Summit
December 5
8:00 am – 3:00 pm
El Dorado High School
12401 Edgemere Blvd.
High School Students
Latinitas is hosting a media literacy workshop as part of the Regional Youth Summit. The summit is designed to empower students to become aware and have a role in understanding how to avoid risky behaviors and poor lifestyle choices. The event will revolve around themes such as: Drug Trafficking/Gang Involvement, Tobacco Awareness, Dating Violence Prevention and Teen Pregnancy/STD Education, Public Speaking Skills, Marketing, Media Influences and Awareness. As part of the conference, Latinitas will offer a series of workshops where youth will look critically at the influences of alcohol advertisements and create their own public service announcement to prevent underage drinking.

Saturday Camp Fab Fotos - December 12

Girls are invited to learn how to create their lasting impression through digital photography at a free Latinitas Saturday Camp. Girls in grades 4-8th will learn how to take the perfect picture applying tips from the pros on lighting, composition and exposure. Use digital cameras, manipulate your images and tell a story with your photos. The Latinitas Saturday Camps are held the 2nd Saturday of each month at the Judge Marquez Public Library (610 N. Yarbrough) from 1:00 to 3:00pm. For more information, email, call 219.8554 or visit

Free Girl Talk Series

Girl Talk Series
Free Group Workshops
When: On Demand
Where: At your Site
Cost: Free
Thanks to support from the City of El Paso Museums & Cultural Affairs Department, Latinitas is hosting a series of FREE multimedia creative expression workshops for community groups, girl scout troops, libraries, churches and schools. These girl empowerment workshops focus on helping girls build confidence through creative expression with themes such as self-esteem, body image, leadership, goal setting, diversity, cultural pride, substance abuse prevention, bullying and wellness. If you'd like to reserve a workshop for your group, contact Alicia Rascon at 219.8554 or