Friday, July 24, 2009

Saturday Camp Poetry Chica - August 22

10:30am to 12:30pm
La Fe Cultural and Technology Center
721 South Ochoa
Girls Grades 4-8
Become a poet! Learn how to write creatively and express yourself through words. Publish your poetry to share with friends. The Latinitas Saturday Camp is hosted the 4th Saturday of every month from 10:30am to 12:30pm at La Fe Cultural and Technology Center 721 South Ochoa (rear building). The cost per class is $5 per student, and a limited number of scholarships are available. Latinitas Saturday Camps are hosted by Latinitas, a grassroots group dedicated to empowering Latina youth. For more information, visit or email

Teen Latinitas Fest - August 21

Media Mania Conference
August 21
UTEP Union
Girls Ages 13+ are invited to learn about creative multimedia expression at Latinitas Fest held on August 21st at UTEP. Throughout the event, girls will participate in multimedia workshops on photography, filmmaking, radio production and poetry. The festival will also feature a fashion show, inspirational guest speakers, live entertainment and teen resources. Latinitas, a nonprofit focused on empowering girls through media, is collaborating with the UTEP Women in Business Association to host this girl empowerment conference for local teens. Space is limited, so registration is required. Early registration is $10 before August 17th and $15 afterwards. For more information, email, call 915.219.8554, or visit Purchase your tickets online at:

Chica Art Project - August 8

Latinitas Art Camps
August 8
1:30pm to 3:30pm
Judge Marquez Public Library
610 N. Yarbrough
Girls Grades 4-8
Girls are invited to get in touch with their artistic side in the Chica Art Project. From tradition folk art to cutting edge graphic art, girls will explore ways to express themselves creatively through art and crafts. The Latinitas art camps are hosted the 2nd Saturday of every month from 1:30pm to 3:30pm at Judge Marquez Public Library. Admission is a recommended donation of $5 which covers supply costs. Latinitas is a grassroots group dedicated to empowering Latina youth. For more information, visit or email

Teen Latinitas Council Meeting - July 25

Teen Latinitas Council
July 25 & August 22
Armijo Public Library
620 E. 7th Avenue
Girls Grades 9-12
Latinitas Magazine is seeking female high-school students, ages 14 to 18, interested in journalism to contribute to the teen version of Latinitas will host an orientation for junior reporters on June 27at 1:30 to 3:30pm at Armijo Public Library located at 620 E. 7th Avenue. Latinitas is dedicated to creating greater Latina representation in the media by training the next generation of Latina media makers. Through our junior reporter program, young journalists are published in our webzine. Latinitas college editorial interns and professional journalists mentor and guide Latina high-school journalists in developing story ideas, conducting interviews, researching stories, writing articles, and editing content. Furthermore, junior reporters act as an editorial advisory group helping to advise Latinitas staff in making editorial decisions on the content for each issue and the direction of the magazine. This is a great opportunity for aspiring journalists to be published in a growing magazine and have their voice heard! We are looking for fresh ideas on all content related to Latina youth culture appropriate for high-school students. Latinitas is currently accepting applications from female high-school students who seek hands-on journalism experience. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Alicia Rascon at, or (915) 219.8554

Saturday Camp Fab Fotos - July 25

Saturday Camp Fab Fotos
July 25
10:30am to 12:30pm
La Fe Cultural and Technology Center
721 South Ochoa
Girls Grades 4-8
Learn how to create your lasting impression through digital photography. Girls in grades 4-8th will learn how to take the perfect picture applying tips from the pros on lighting, composition and exposure. Use digital cameras, manipulate your images and tell a story with your photos. The Latinitas Saturday Camp is hosted the 4th Saturday of every month from 10:30am to 12:30pm at La Fe Cultural and Technology Center 721 South Ochoa (rear building). The cost per class is $5 per student, and a limited number of scholarships are available. Latinitas Saturday Camps are hosted by Latinitas, a grassroots group dedicated to empowering Latina youth. For more information, visit or email